Chrome OS is one of the most popular operating systems for budget laptops. Over the years, Google’s developers are trying hard to improve Chrome OS. It’s a lightweight solution for laptops with low specs. There are many similarities between Chrome OS and the Android OS. Chrome OS is also built using Linux kernel source. So Chrome OS is capable of running android apps. You can say Chrome OS is an Android based OS for large screen devices like laptops. So there are so many android features that you will find in Chrome OS.
Material You is one of the newest additions to Android OS. With this feature you can choose an accent color for the whole UI. The android will let you choose a color palette from the dominating colors in the wallpaper you set. Colors in each palette will appear on some selected areas in the UI like the Quick settings tiles background, dialer buttons in Phone app and so on.
It was first implemented in Android 12 by Google. From then it’s a part of the Android OS. Not only in stock android, OEM developers also use this feature in their custom UI. So it has become popular day by day.
As Chrome OS is an Android based OS it should also have that feature. But there was no Material You theming on Chrome OS until the last update where Google added Material You support in Chrome OS.
Though it’s still a beta feature we can expect some bugs here and there. Google also hasn’t revealed this feature in the settings yet. You may follow this tutorial to enable Material You on ChromeOS. Then you will be able to enable Material You theming feature.
As per the screenshots shared by C2 Production this theming scheme looks amazing on Chrome OS. It gives a refreshing experience from the old boring UI. Like Android Material You, you also get the ability to choose a color palette according to the wallpaper you use. Once you choose the color palette, some UI elements color will be changed accordingly.
Until now you wont get themed icons feature which is also a part of Material You. But we can expect that Google will also add themed icons in the near future. Thanks to C2 Productions for sharing the screenshots.

Rashidul Hasan, the founder and CEO of AndroidStory, is very passionate about technology.