[Exclusive] Pixel 7 and 7 Pro camera glass is being shattered without drop or stress! – #AndroidStory

[Exclusive] Pixel 7 and 7 Pro camera glass is being shattered without drop or stress!

The Pixel 7 series is getting a lot of attention on the internet for a totally new type of issue. Some users of Google Pixel 7 series are reporting that their phone's camera glass is being without external stress or drop. Already some of the users claimed that issues on Twitter.

The users say that it is being shattered without drop or external damage. It's automatically being shattered.

To describe the issue, the glass over the camera is being shattered and leaving a hole that exposes the lens. Though in some cases there is only shatter but most of the report says that it makes a hole on the camera glass. Till now no clear reason can explain these issues. But most likely something went wrong during the manufacturing process or while making those glasses for the Pixel 7 series camera.

user reports on pixel 7 series camera glass shattering



Though Google officially responded to their reports and ask them to DM to their customer support. But it's so unexpected that Google's flagship phones are facing that issue.

Google replying the victims and ask them to contact to the support team

It's not even a common issue for smartphones nowadays.

The issue was first published on 25 December last year and still the reason is unknown. Let's see how Google handle the situation.

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